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Data rejestracji: 05-14-2011
Data urodzenia: 06-26-1978 (46 lat)
Czas lokalny: 01-10-2025, godzina 03:06 AM
Status: Offline

Informacje o auora51
Dołączył: 05-14-2011
Ostatnia wizyta: 05-21-2011 04:57 AM
Razem postów: 0 (0 postów dziennie | 0 procent wszystkich postów)
(Znajdź wszystkie wątkiZnajdź wszystkie posty)
Spędzony czas online: 2 Minut, 29 Sekund
Poleconych użytkowników: 0
Reputacja: 0 [Szczegóły]

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Dodatkowe informacje o auora51
Płeć: nie wybrano
O sobie: Howdy, I am auora51. I enjoy playing ice hockey and I work as a online author. Check out a sample of my writing:

At Perth, Australia the mean annual temperature is 18.17C (64.7F). 9.00C (48.20F) is the coolest monthly average minimum temperature (transpiring in July & August) while 30.00C (86.00F) is the peak monthly mean max temperature recorded in January & February. The annual mean temperature range is 11.00C. Rainfall/ snowfall etc. in Perth is on average 889.00mm (35.00in) per annum. Monthly precipitation averages are thus 74.08mm (2.92in). June is the most damp month when an average of 192mm (7.56in) of rain falling over a period of 17 days while in January only 7mm (0.28in) of rain falls over 3 days. Perth's climate is effected by 128 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Perth averages 52.33333333% over the year. 43% is the minimum average monthly relative humidity ensueing in January & February and 63% is the maximum average monthly relative humidity transpiring in June, July. Perth's climate is effected by 2906 sunshine hours per year or 7.96 hours per day. The range of hours of sunshine is from an average of 4.9 per day in June to 10.5 per day in December.

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